
Alex Owen-Hill

How to Shop for Financial Translation Services

The market for translation services can be hard to get your head around. How should you start your search for financial translation services?

The Key to Global Growth in the Health and Wellness Industry

How do you grow your company globally in the health and wellness industry? Many companies miss this one key piece of the puzzle.

Avoid Software Product Delays with Continuous Localization

Struggling to keep up with your planned product cycles when you translate your software? Here's one way to avoid those common delays.

How to Master Efficient Translation in Life Sciences

The life sciences industry has seen much forward momentum recently. How can you ensure that you get the most from your translation budget?

How to Grow a Technology Company Internationally

Your tech company needs to keep growing. Is international expansion the right way to go to achieve that growth?

How Automotive Translation Can Help (or Hinder) Global Reach

How is automotive translation different from other types of translation? If you want to grow internationally, you need to understand.

7 Marks of Reliable Manufacturing Translation Services

How can you tell which manufacturing translation services will help you reach your chosen international markets?

Is Your Technical Terminology Consistent Across Markets?

Technical terminology plays a large part in global business communications. But, do all your markets use technical terms consistently?

What the New Rubric Rebrand Means for You

What has changed about Rubric during our recent rebranding? What does it mean for you and your global business?

Want to know more about translation or localization?

Get in touch - we have over 30 years' experience dealing with global brands on all things translation and localization.