Technical Communications Localization

We understand complexity

It can be hard to find a localization provider that balances technical knowledge and linguistic excellence. With 30+ years of experience we offer both technical expertise and expert translation services.

"Rubric is our LSP of choice. We have implemented lots of [Rubric]'s advice and saved a lot of money on translations"

Technical Services Manager

Structured Content Expertise

A localization provider that understands technical communication

Technical communications are different from other types of content.
Frustratingly, many translation providers pass your tech pubs content through exactly the same processes as all other content. This leads to inefficient workflows, low-accuracy translations and makes your work even harder than it is already.
With Rubric, technical expertise is at our very core. We are experts in structured content and we work with you to make the best use of tooling and technology, whether your content is in MadCap Flare or you utilize XML DITA.
We work to fully understand your content, and design a localization workflow to match.
ISO Certification

ISO certified translation to reassure procurement

How do you convince others that your choice of translation provider is the right one?
We know that a decision to use a new supplier likely depends on others. Those people will want evidence that our processes align with your company's internal policies, especially for highly technical content that may be subject to specific regulations.
Our ISO certifications give you the confidence that our internal processes match your company's high quality standards.
And our processes don't just meet the requirements of those standards… they surpass them.
More Than Translation Memories

Never pay for the same translation twice

Has the cost of updating a translated technical document ever shocked you?
Many translation providers will unnecessarily overcharge you for technical translations. Even when they use a Translation Management System and Translation Memories to reuse past translations, they often use such systems inefficiently. As a result, you end up paying multiple times for the same translations.
At Rubric, we are experts at optimizing the use of translation tools to minimize cost. We also help you to strategically improve the consistency of your source content to further improve content reuse, so that you never pay for an unnecessary translation.
Subject matter experts

Our linguistic expertise ensures translation accuracy

Tired of working with translators that don't understand your products or service?
Our clients are often amazed by the high quality and accuracy of our translations. Unlike other providers, we take the extra step to fully understand the technicalities of your content before we start translating. We build a highly-specialized team of translators that are experts in your field, whether that's mechanical engineering, or customer relationship management. Combined with bespoke quality assurance steps, this approach delivers high quality translation for all of our clients.
You can be confident that we understand your terminology, your technology, and your industry.

"We really appreciate working with Rubric and the team there. Best customer service and quality of work. So, you are my “go to” for any translations we need in the future."

Senior Global Manager (Team Leader), Sales Enablement

How Yaskawa eliminated the risk from technical content errors

Yaskawa is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of automation equipment. One factor was vital above all others… technical accuracy.
Even the slightest translation inaccuracy can cause costly damage to vital equipment, or worse, physical harm to users. Their previous translators were tripped up by nuances because certain manufacturing terms are interpreted differently depending on what they reference.
They needed a change. But, the company's leadership was hesitant to bring in a new localization partner unless they could see consistent, accurate results quickly.
With Rubric, they saw that and more. Our approach gave Yaskawa a more cost-effective localization that put those key nuances into the hands of experts.
words per document

Every client is different

Different content, different audience, different budget, schedule, pain points and quality requirements.
So, we design a unique localization process.
Our Project Management team are experts at designing tailored workflows utilizing the best of human expertise and technological ingenuity. The human touch can be as light (or as heavy) as you need, but with Rubric there is always a human-at-the-core, providing targeted application of the most appropriate tool for each task.
There are lots of different pieces to bring together and each client's process looks different. A bit like putting together a unique jigsaw puzzle for each project.
We call this process Orchestration.
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Expert Resources

At Rubric, we have always been at the cutting edge of translation and localization. Browse our blogs, eBooks, webinars and case studies to learn more, or subscribe below to receive regular updates.