Our Certifications

You need the confidence that your translation provider has the systems and resources to reliably serve you and your business.
Certifications are one way that we can objectively demonstrate that we have such processes in place. At Rubric, we feel our internal processes surpass the requirements of these certifications. But, we are certified anyway to give you and your company peace of mind.

Our ISO Certifications

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ISO 17100 — Translation services

This certification demonstrates that Rubric meets all the requirements of ISO 17100:2015, the global standard for translation service providers. It is certifies that our internal processes are geared towards giving you the best quality translations and content management services and that we always have the resources to deliver on your needs. See our ISO 17100 certificates for Rubric Europe and Rubric Inc (USA)
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ISO 9001 — Quality management

This certification demonstrates that Rubric meets all the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. It certifies that we are able to consistently provide products and services that meet our clients' needs while meeting all applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. It also certifies that our processes are designed to enhance client satisfaction and go through a process of continuous improvement.
See our ISO 9001 certificate
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ISO 27001 — Information security management

This certification demonstrates that Rubric meets all the requirements of ISO 27001:2013. It certifies that we have established information security management systems and that we continually maintain and improve these systems. It includes requirements for how we assess and treat information security risks, and certifies that we systematically review potential threats, vulnerabilities, and impacts.
See our ISO 27001 certificate
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ISO 14001 — Environmental management

This certification demonstrates that Rubric meets all the requirements of ISO 14001:2015. It certifies that we systematically manage our environmental responsibility and that our operations do not negatively affect the environment. It shows that we have fulfilled all compliance obligations and that we are committed to ongoing sustainability.
See our ISO 14001 certificate
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ISO 22301 — Business continuity

This certification demonstrates that Rubric meets all the requirements of ISO 22301:2012. It certifies that we have the systems and resources in place to serve our clients even in the face of disruptions. It shows that we can maintain a consistent level of service even in situations that threaten the normal way of working.
See our ISO 22301 certificate

Other Certifications

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Institute of Translation and Interpreting

Our CEO Françoise Henderson is a founding member of the Institute of Translation and Interpreting (ITI) and we are proud to be a corporate member. The ITI is an independent professional membership association for practicing translators, interpreters and language services businesses. It seeks to promote the highest standards in the profession.
Learn more about ITI
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Association for Project Management

Project management excellence is part of our core philosophy here at Rubric. The Association for Project Management (APM) is the chartered body for the project profession in the UK, promoting the professional disciplines of project and program management. We are proud to be a corporate affiliate and many of our staff hold APM qualifications.
Learn more about APM
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Living Wage Employer

We are proud to be an accredited Living Wage Employer. Living Wage Scotland was established in April 2014 with the aim of increasing the number of employers in Scotland that pay their staff the Living Wage. It certifies that we are committed to giving our people the means to thrive, provide for their families, and plan for the future.
Learn more about Living Wage

Do certifications prove that a provider is reliable?

Certifications like ours listed here are helpful when you are trying to determine if a translation provider will be reliable, but they aren’t the whole story.
Download our free guide to learn 9 reliable qualities to look for in a translation provider.

"Thank you, as always, for your timely and wonderful customer service!"

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