“Out of the Box” translations — a blessing or a curse?

August 1, 2018
3 min read
Post feature
While many newer systems include a wider set of languages, an underlying issue with “out of the box” translations is that they often don’t factor location into the base system. For example, there are subtle differences between French spoken in France, and Québécois in Canada, especially when you factor in colloquialism. Another example: a company might buy a 3rd party system that comes with existing translations, but they don’t know how to make use of them effectively. And even if they’re translated from the outset, there will likely be modifications needed afterwards.
Nowadays, the tendency is to rush these translations, rather than to look at things from a Global Content perspective and define what’s needed from the beginning. This can be attributed to the fact that many manufacturers think language is something that can be slapped on at the end, simply and quickly. In fact, the opposite is true — Global Content should be considered from the start to avoid many costly reworks down the line.
Language localization takes time and serious consideration. If a process is inefficient from the get-go, expect these issues to manifest into problems when expansion and scalability come into play. When a company requires localization into multiple languages, it’s incredibly important the base language be written in a way that’s easily translatable. Another strategy, in the context of software, is to have all of the text saved in an easily translatable format. This approach also ensures that an image or video with text can be translated without having to edit the entire media file. An effective Global Content Partner will also apply rules that avoid ambiguity and enhance readability, such as avoiding synonyms and only using the correct product-specific terminology.
However, localization as a whole is more than just language. An effective partner will help your company move away from domestic and international versions of the same materials, and assist in globalizing your collateral across the board instead. Why? Because by crafting globally relevant content, a business eliminates the ballooning, wasteful costs of work that doesn’t translate to relevant locations.

Choose a Global Content Partner to realize the potential of an interconnected world

We’re more connected than ever before, with vast resources we’d have scarcely imagined even ten years ago at our fingertips. The digital age has necessitated that content be accessible to as many different markets as possible, so content and product need to be delivered with a far more strategic approach.
How do you tailor and organize a successful Global Content framework to capitalize on the modern, interconnected world? You find the right Global Content Partner for your business; a partner that understands that delivering excellence in the creation, organization, and distribution of Global Content is vital to realizing your strategic goals.
Get in touch with us and let’s start localizing your unique company content to audiences the world over.

Do you want to learn how to make your translation process more efficient?

In our guide 10 Profitable Tips to Streamline Your Translation Workflow you will learn actionable tips to improve your entire translation process.

10 Profitable Tips to Streamline Your Translation Workflow

Like any manufacturer, you know that a streamlined workflow is the key to a successful business. However, the idea of having a “streamlined translation workflow” might seem unusual.