Handpresso combines caffeine with convenience so that coffee connoisseurs can enjoy a cup of Joe wherever they are.
Like all companies, budgets are tight. The handpresso website and social media channels are their main advertising channels.
The Challenge
They needed their product instruction manual translated into five additional languages to target a global customer base. In 2016, they were keen to translate their website into two new languages – Italian and Spanish.
The Origins
Henrik Nielsen was an engineer and inventor who came up with an idea to create a portable espresso machine that makes it possible to drink premium quality coffee, anywhere. The concept grew into handpresso – a business launched in 2008.
Today, handpresso continues to develop their original revolutionary technology. They are also creating other types of portable espresso machines to meet the unique needs of their customers in different countries.
Where The Translation Partnership Began
In 2009, the French company hired Rubric to assist with the translation of their product instruction manual into five languages. The handpresso team had already translated the French instructions into English internally. Rubric was tasked with translating the English instructions into German, Dutch, Danish, Spanish and Italian.
'For big projects - like website translation - we wouldn’t use anyone else. It’s a big comfort to know that everything will be done properly and to know what we won’t have to redo it all. If something is very complicated, the Rubric translators will contact us. There’s always a dialogue and the project manager always keeps us informed on how the work is progressing.'
Making Their Website Speak To Different Nations
From launch, 90% of handpresso’s turnover was from international sales, which is why the website was available in English, as well as French, from the word go. In 2012, when handpresso revamped their website, they hired Rubric to translate the new site from French into English.
Working closely with the handpresso team, a CMS connector was developed to enable content to be exported and imported with ease.
Four years later, handpresso decided to offer their site in two new languages – Spanish and Italian.
They chose these two languages because there are no handpresso distributors in these regions. Handpresso products are sent directly from their headquarters to customers in Italy and Spain.
According to handpresso, this project was exciting because they are able to measure how many customers view the website in each language.
With handpresso handling the distribution, they can keep track of how many people are actually buying their products, thus allowing them to discern who their customers are and what their preferences may be.
Measuring their website translation success
The new language websites launched in April 2016 and within just four months web traffic increased drastically. A comparison of web traffic for the same period in 2015, shows that the site had a 107% increase in visitors.
'Most people speak English but having the website in their own language makes a difference. Customers feel more confident to order things because they know that we’ll answer their email in their own language. If there is a problem with their machine, we can help them in their own language.'